"Breaking Silence," conducted in partnership with the Tahirih Justice Center, will feature break dancing, poetry readings and a panel discussion with experts on domestic violence, including Anne Chandler, director, Tahirih Justice Center; Mustafaa Carroll, executive director, Texas chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations; Bibi Khan, president, An-nisa Hope Center; Abhilasha Vineet, director of community education and outreach, DAYA; and Cristal Cervantes, community educator, Houston Area Women's Center.
These five leaders will speak on domestic violence and its impact on the Houston population, specifically within immigrant communities. A Q&A period will follow their brief presentations.
The event includes an opening poetry reading by Samira R. Noorali. Additionally, the youth of BreakFree Community Center will demonstrate their support by breakdancing as a symbolic gesture of standing up for the victims of domestic violence. Lunch will be provided.
Access to a children's room with adult supervision will be made available upon request.