The event will bring together a huge stock of fruit trees and berries for anyone who is interested in purchasing fruit trees from which to harvest delicious fruit year round. There will be oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, limes, kumquats, calamondin, pumelo, satsumas, peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, pears, apples, persimmons, pomegranates, pecans, grapes, muscadines, jujubes, blueberries, blackberries, avocados, starfruit, Cherry of the Rio Grande, dragon fruit, bananas, figs, olives and more.
"Fruit Tree Professors" will be on-hand to answer questions and help customers select their trees. There will be handouts on how to care for the trees, and Bob Randall’s book Year Round Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers for Metro Houston will be available for sale. This book contains a wealth of information on care of fruit trees.