Step into the whimsical world of Peter and the Wolf, Sergei Prokofiev’s classic tale that tells the adventure of Peter and his friends as they capture a wolf. The audience is introduced to each character with a musical theme played by a different instrument of the orchestra, accompanied with original choreography by Artistic Director Beth Gulledge-Brown for each character.
This event will feature some live music by Sam Houston State University Orchestra.
Step into the whimsical world of Peter and the Wolf, Sergei Prokofiev’s classic tale that tells the adventure of Peter and his friends as they capture a wolf. The audience is introduced to each character with a musical theme played by a different instrument of the orchestra, accompanied with original choreography by Artistic Director Beth Gulledge-Brown for each character.
This event will feature some live music by Sam Houston State University Orchestra.
Step into the whimsical world of Peter and the Wolf, Sergei Prokofiev’s classic tale that tells the adventure of Peter and his friends as they capture a wolf. The audience is introduced to each character with a musical theme played by a different instrument of the orchestra, accompanied with original choreography by Artistic Director Beth Gulledge-Brown for each character.
This event will feature some live music by Sam Houston State University Orchestra.