Up with People: The Journey is a musical journey through time, through humanity, and through regions in a two-hour live show presenting a cast of 100 young adults from 20 different countries. The Journey features original music and international songs and dances to inspire, energize, and entertain the audience. The show is unique in its artistic format and authenticity and highlights the bonds and what unites young people from many nations.
Up with People: The Journey is a musical journey through time, through humanity, and through regions in a two-hour live show presenting a cast of 100 young adults from 20 different countries. The Journey features original music and international songs and dances to inspire, energize, and entertain the audience. The show is unique in its artistic format and authenticity and highlights the bonds and what unites young people from many nations.
Up with People: The Journey is a musical journey through time, through humanity, and through regions in a two-hour live show presenting a cast of 100 young adults from 20 different countries. The Journey features original music and international songs and dances to inspire, energize, and entertain the audience. The show is unique in its artistic format and authenticity and highlights the bonds and what unites young people from many nations.