Directed by Franz Anton Krager, The Moores School Chamber Orchestra is a leading ensemble in the area of new music as well as an important repository for the standard literature.
The orchestra appears regularly with performing artists and has been featured at several Texas Music Educators Association conventions and at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago. As an accompanying ensemble, the orchestra performs with soloists including major guest artists, school faculty, and students selected through the Moores School Concerto Competition.
Directed by Franz Anton Krager, The Moores School Chamber Orchestra is a leading ensemble in the area of new music as well as an important repository for the standard literature.
The orchestra appears regularly with performing artists and has been featured at several Texas Music Educators Association conventions and at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago. As an accompanying ensemble, the orchestra performs with soloists including major guest artists, school faculty, and students selected through the Moores School Concerto Competition.