Thunderclap Productions presents the new film musical Bully, which tells the story of Sam Bradley, a 14-year old who commits suicide after being bullied at school. The film follows the events leading to Sam’s suicide and the aftereffects on his family and town.
This film contains strong language, violence, depictions of suicide, and partial nudity that some may find objectionable. This film is not recommended for children. This film is not rated, but would likely be assigned an R rating.
Thunderclap Productions presents the new film musical Bully, which tells the story of Sam Bradley, a 14-year old who commits suicide after being bullied at school. The film follows the events leading to Sam’s suicide and the aftereffects on his family and town.
This film contains strong language, violence, depictions of suicide, and partial nudity that some may find objectionable. This film is not recommended for children. This film is not rated, but would likely be assigned an R rating.
Thunderclap Productions presents the new film musical Bully, which tells the story of Sam Bradley, a 14-year old who commits suicide after being bullied at school. The film follows the events leading to Sam’s suicide and the aftereffects on his family and town.
This film contains strong language, violence, depictions of suicide, and partial nudity that some may find objectionable. This film is not recommended for children. This film is not rated, but would likely be assigned an R rating.