Seussical, created by Tony Award® winners Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty (Once on This Island, Ragtime), is a magical musical for the entire family. The production is narrated by The Cat in the Hat, who weaves all the favorite Seuss characters into the whimsical tale of Horton the Elephant and his quest to protect the people of Who-ville. Seussical brings out the imagination in all of us by reminding us to always believe.
Seussical, created by Tony Award® winners Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty (Once on This Island, Ragtime), is a magical musical for the entire family. The production is narrated by The Cat in the Hat, who weaves all the favorite Seuss characters into the whimsical tale of Horton the Elephant and his quest to protect the people of Who-ville. Seussical brings out the imagination in all of us by reminding us to always believe.
Seussical, created by Tony Award® winners Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty (Once on This Island, Ragtime), is a magical musical for the entire family. The production is narrated by The Cat in the Hat, who weaves all the favorite Seuss characters into the whimsical tale of Horton the Elephant and his quest to protect the people of Who-ville. Seussical brings out the imagination in all of us by reminding us to always believe.