Winner of five Tony Awards®, this enchanting tale, created by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine, is a complex, courageous journey through a forest of calamity, cleverness, and gorgeous songs. The whole family will be delighted as they follow Cinderella, a Baker and his Wife, Jack (of ‘beanstalk’ fame), Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, a Witch, a couple of Princes, and a host of fairy tale companions as they journey into the woods and face wolves, giants, and what really happens when your wishes come true.
Winner of five Tony Awards®, this enchanting tale, created by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine, is a complex, courageous journey through a forest of calamity, cleverness, and gorgeous songs. The whole family will be delighted as they follow Cinderella, a Baker and his Wife, Jack (of ‘beanstalk’ fame), Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, a Witch, a couple of Princes, and a host of fairy tale companions as they journey into the woods and face wolves, giants, and what really happens when your wishes come true.
Winner of five Tony Awards®, this enchanting tale, created by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine, is a complex, courageous journey through a forest of calamity, cleverness, and gorgeous songs. The whole family will be delighted as they follow Cinderella, a Baker and his Wife, Jack (of ‘beanstalk’ fame), Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, a Witch, a couple of Princes, and a host of fairy tale companions as they journey into the woods and face wolves, giants, and what really happens when your wishes come true.