Theatre Southwest presents Everybody Loves Opal

Photo courtesy of Theatre Southwest

Opal, a middle-aged recluse, lives in a tumbledown mansion at the edge of the municipal dump. Opal is an optimist, for no matter how mean her lot - or  how mean her "friends" - Opal responds with unfailing kindness and an abiding faith in the goodness of human nature.

The December 31 performance is part of Theatre Southwest's annual New Year's gala.

Opal, a middle-aged recluse, lives in a tumbledown mansion at the edge of the municipal dump. Opal is an optimist, for no matter how mean her lot - or how mean her "friends" - Opal responds with unfailing kindness and an abiding faith in the goodness of human nature.

The December 31 performance is part of Theatre Southwest's annual New Year's gala.

Opal, a middle-aged recluse, lives in a tumbledown mansion at the edge of the municipal dump. Opal is an optimist, for no matter how mean her lot - or how mean her "friends" - Opal responds with unfailing kindness and an abiding faith in the goodness of human nature.

The December 31 performance is part of Theatre Southwest's annual New Year's gala.



Theatre Southwest
8944 Clarkcrest St.
Houston, TX 77063


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