Sidney Bruhl, a successful writer of Broadway thrillers, is struggling to overcome a dry spell when he receives a thrilling script with hit potential from a student at a nearby college. Sidney, along with his wife's help, devises a plan to offer collaboration to the student, an idea which the younger man quickly accepts. The plot begins to twist and turn with devilish cleverness, and with such an abundance of suspense, thrills and laughter, that audiences will be held enthralled until the final, startling moments of the play.
Sidney Bruhl, a successful writer of Broadway thrillers, is struggling to overcome a dry spell when he receives a thrilling script with hit potential from a student at a nearby college. Sidney, along with his wife's help, devises a plan to offer collaboration to the student, an idea which the younger man quickly accepts. The plot begins to twist and turn with devilish cleverness, and with such an abundance of suspense, thrills and laughter, that audiences will be held enthralled until the final, startling moments of the play.
Sidney Bruhl, a successful writer of Broadway thrillers, is struggling to overcome a dry spell when he receives a thrilling script with hit potential from a student at a nearby college. Sidney, along with his wife's help, devises a plan to offer collaboration to the student, an idea which the younger man quickly accepts. The plot begins to twist and turn with devilish cleverness, and with such an abundance of suspense, thrills and laughter, that audiences will be held enthralled until the final, startling moments of the play.