Celebrating the acquisition and promised gift of 300 photographs from Chicago-based collectors Madeleine and Harvey Plonsker, "Navigating the Waves: Contemporary Cuban Photography" traces the evolution of photography’s role in Cuba through 100 images over nearly five decades - from promoting the Revolution in its first decades, to engaging in social and political critique after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and the years following, when Cuban photographers created powerful personal expressions by exploring individual identity, the body and spirit and Afro-Cuban heritage, all while navigating changes in official cultural policy.
Celebrating the acquisition and promised gift of 300 photographs from Chicago-based collectors Madeleine and Harvey Plonsker, "Navigating the Waves: Contemporary Cuban Photography" traces the evolution of photography’s role in Cuba through 100 images over nearly five decades - from promoting the Revolution in its first decades, to engaging in social and political critique after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and the years following, when Cuban photographers created powerful personal expressions by exploring individual identity, the body and spirit and Afro-Cuban heritage, all while navigating changes in official cultural policy.