"Dream with Alebrijes" is a lively, family-friendly festival featuring new temporary sculptures by six Houston Latinx artists. Wander through the Cullen Sculpture Garden and discover large-scale, fantastical figures inspired by the folk-art tradition of alebrijes.
Guests can enjoy live music, dance performances, and art making on the Brown Foundation, Inc. Plaza. They can also play a loteria game with cards featuring MFAH works of art, and watch film screenings provided by the Houston Latino Film Festival.
The sculptures will remain on display through November 12.
"Dream with Alebrijes" is a lively, family-friendly festival featuring new temporary sculptures by six Houston Latinx artists. Wander through the Cullen Sculpture Garden and discover large-scale, fantastical figures inspired by the folk-art tradition of alebrijes.
Guests can enjoy live music, dance performances, and art making on the Brown Foundation, Inc. Plaza. They can also play a loteria game with cards featuring MFAH works of art, and watch film screenings provided by the Houston Latino Film Festival.
The sculptures will remain on display through November 12.
Admission is free.