Tackles4Cancer presents Cancer Socks Super Hero 5K/1K Walk-Run

Photo courtesy of Tackles4Cancer

The event is designed to be a family event where everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite super hero costumes.  A post race party will follow the 1K event, with food and fun for big and little super heroes. The race will also feature a costume contest along with an awards ceremony and NFL guests.

The proceeds will benefit cancer patients that need transportation assistance.

The event is designed to be a family event where everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite super hero costumes. A post race party will follow the 1K event, with food and fun for big and little super heroes. The race will also feature a costume contest along with an awards ceremony and NFL guests.

The proceeds will benefit cancer patients that need transportation assistance.

The event is designed to be a family event where everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite super hero costumes. A post race party will follow the 1K event, with food and fun for big and little super heroes. The race will also feature a costume contest along with an awards ceremony and NFL guests.

The proceeds will benefit cancer patients that need transportation assistance.



Stude Park
1031 Stude St.
Houston, TX 77007


All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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