Stratford Playhouse presents Something Rotten, a hilarious production set in the Renaissance period of the 1590s that follows two brothers, Nick and Nigel Bottom, who struggle to find success in the theatrical world as they compete against the extreme popularity of William Shakespeare. When a local soothsayer, Nostradamus, foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing, and acting all at the same time, the two brothers seize the opportunity and set out to write the world’s first musical and finally outshine their nemesis. What ensues is a roaring adventure filled with the trials of celebrity, true romance, and omelets.
Stratford Playhouse presents Something Rotten, a hilarious production set in the Renaissance period of the 1590s that follows two brothers, Nick and Nigel Bottom, who struggle to find success in the theatrical world as they compete against the extreme popularity of William Shakespeare. When a local soothsayer, Nostradamus, foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing, and acting all at the same time, the two brothers seize the opportunity and set out to write the world’s first musical and finally outshine their nemesis. What ensues is a roaring adventure filled with the trials of celebrity, true romance, and omelets.
Stratford Playhouse presents Something Rotten, a hilarious production set in the Renaissance period of the 1590s that follows two brothers, Nick and Nigel Bottom, who struggle to find success in the theatrical world as they compete against the extreme popularity of William Shakespeare. When a local soothsayer, Nostradamus, foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing, and acting all at the same time, the two brothers seize the opportunity and set out to write the world’s first musical and finally outshine their nemesis. What ensues is a roaring adventure filled with the trials of celebrity, true romance, and omelets.