The Supernova is Houston’s longest-running longform improv comedy show. The Supernova cast invites a special guest each week to tell true, personal stories in a one-on-one interview format. Stories and discussion are molded and reshaped into original improvised content. Guests vary week-to-week, ranging from traveling comedians, local celebrities, or even selected audience volunteers.
The Supernova is Houston’s longest-running longform improv comedy show. The Supernova cast invites a special guest each week to tell true, personal stories in a one-on-one interview format. Stories and discussion are molded and reshaped into original improvised content. Guests vary week-to-week, ranging from traveling comedians, local celebrities, or even selected audience volunteers.
The Supernova is Houston’s longest-running longform improv comedy show. The Supernova cast invites a special guest each week to tell true, personal stories in a one-on-one interview format. Stories and discussion are molded and reshaped into original improvised content. Guests vary week-to-week, ranging from traveling comedians, local celebrities, or even selected audience volunteers.