Stages Repertory Theatre will present Pieces of the Moon, a co-production with One Year Lease Theater Company, a new stage play adapted to a radio play for live streaming.
America in 1969 – a country divided, or a country unified in hope. Which lens is yours? Prepare to blast off on an exploration of two Americas told through the true stories of the three Apollo 11 astronauts and the magnificent artistry of Gil Scott-Heron.
Pieces of the Moon is a theatrical jazz riff blending clashing economic and social priorities, the rise of the Black Arts Movement, and the historic events that created the race to space all culminating in a moment-by-moment theatrical recreation of the iconic landing on the moon.
Stages Repertory Theatre will present Pieces of the Moon, a co-production with One Year Lease Theater Company, a new stage play adapted to a radio play for live streaming.
America in 1969 – a country divided, or a country unified in hope. Which lens is yours? Prepare to blast off on an exploration of two Americas told through the true stories of the three Apollo 11 astronauts and the magnificent artistry of Gil Scott-Heron.
Pieces of the Moon is a theatrical jazz riff blending clashing economic and social priorities, the rise of the Black Arts Movement, and the historic events that created the race to space all culminating in a moment-by-moment theatrical recreation of the iconic landing on the moon.
Stages Repertory Theatre will present Pieces of the Moon, a co-production with One Year Lease Theater Company, a new stage play adapted to a radio play for live streaming.
America in 1969 – a country divided, or a country unified in hope. Which lens is yours? Prepare to blast off on an exploration of two Americas told through the true stories of the three Apollo 11 astronauts and the magnificent artistry of Gil Scott-Heron.
Pieces of the Moon is a theatrical jazz riff blending clashing economic and social priorities, the rise of the Black Arts Movement, and the historic events that created the race to space all culminating in a moment-by-moment theatrical recreation of the iconic landing on the moon.