In the heartland of 1960s Kansas, a young Black girl, Janice, witnesses her parents fight for a simple yet profound cause: their right to swim in a public pool. But as the ripples of injustice seep into her life at home, Janice seeks meaning away from her parents’ political activism, and an unspoken distance grows within the family. Decades later, an unexpected call to honor her father’s legacy inspires Janice to rediscover the past she left behind.
From ascendant, Tony-nominated playwright Christina Anderson, the ripple, the wave that carried me home is a poignant exploration of injustice, forgiveness, and family - a deeply poetic, award-winning play that makes for a profoundly sensory experience.
In the heartland of 1960s Kansas, a young Black girl, Janice, witnesses her parents fight for a simple yet profound cause: their right to swim in a public pool. But as the ripples of injustice seep into her life at home, Janice seeks meaning away from her parents’ political activism, and an unspoken distance grows within the family. Decades later, an unexpected call to honor her father’s legacy inspires Janice to rediscover the past she left behind.
From ascendant, Tony-nominated playwright Christina Anderson, the ripple, the wave that carried me home is a poignant exploration of injustice, forgiveness, and family - a deeply poetic, award-winning play that makes for a profoundly sensory experience.