How do you find friendship in a new world? In this heartfelt comedic drama set in the backdrop of the ’70s, two recent immigrants, Jane and Luna, cross paths in a grocery store on Thanksgiving. Over wine and a somewhat-questionable frozen turkey, they share laughs, tears, and their American dreams - disco dancing, learning to drive, visiting Disneyland - and discover a kinship that transcends cultural barriers. Filled with the hope and promise of new beginnings, the pair forge a bond from their shared experience of loneliness in a new country.
Written with tenderness by award-winning playwright and Guggenheim Fellow Lloyd Suh, the touching narrative explores the immigrant experience with humor and compassion, posing the poignant question: what does it mean to truly call a place home?
How do you find friendship in a new world? In this heartfelt comedic drama set in the backdrop of the ’70s, two recent immigrants, Jane and Luna, cross paths in a grocery store on Thanksgiving. Over wine and a somewhat-questionable frozen turkey, they share laughs, tears, and their American dreams - disco dancing, learning to drive, visiting Disneyland - and discover a kinship that transcends cultural barriers. Filled with the hope and promise of new beginnings, the pair forge a bond from their shared experience of loneliness in a new country.
Written with tenderness by award-winning playwright and Guggenheim Fellow Lloyd Suh, the touching narrative explores the immigrant experience with humor and compassion, posing the poignant question: what does it mean to truly call a place home?