Fandango Tejas 2017 is a Paso Fino Horse Show hosted by the Southwestern Paso Fino Horse Association. This pointed show will feature international Paso Fino judges and many champion mares and stallions coming from different states of the Southwestern region. Guests will enjoy all the Paso categories, Pleasure, Bella Forma, Trocha, Fino gait and more. There will be also be live entertainment during the event.
Fandango Tejas 2017 is a Paso Fino Horse Show hosted by the Southwestern Paso Fino Horse Association. This pointed show will feature international Paso Fino judges and many champion mares and stallions coming from different states of the Southwestern region. Guests will enjoy all the Paso categories, Pleasure, Bella Forma, Trocha, Fino gait and more. There will be also be live entertainment during the event.
Fandango Tejas 2017 is a Paso Fino Horse Show hosted by the Southwestern Paso Fino Horse Association. This pointed show will feature international Paso Fino judges and many champion mares and stallions coming from different states of the Southwestern region. Guests will enjoy all the Paso categories, Pleasure, Bella Forma, Trocha, Fino gait and more. There will be also be live entertainment during the event.