A special installment of Discovery Discussions presented by Southwest Airlines focuses on Harvey Heroes, featuring short testimonials by some of the Houstonians who stepped up to rescue, assist, feed, clothe, and shelter those affected by Harvey, and Dr. Stephen Klineberg’s presentation on Harvey’s impact on Houstonians conducted in the 37th Annual Kinder Houston Area Survey.
A special installment of Discovery Discussions presented by Southwest Airlines focuses on Harvey Heroes, featuring short testimonials by some of the Houstonians who stepped up to rescue, assist, feed, clothe, and shelter those affected by Harvey, and Dr. Stephen Klineberg’s presentation on Harvey’s impact on Houstonians conducted in the 37th Annual Kinder Houston Area Survey.
A special installment of Discovery Discussions presented by Southwest Airlines focuses on Harvey Heroes, featuring short testimonials by some of the Houstonians who stepped up to rescue, assist, feed, clothe, and shelter those affected by Harvey, and Dr. Stephen Klineberg’s presentation on Harvey’s impact on Houstonians conducted in the 37th Annual Kinder Houston Area Survey.