Founded in 2001 by French choreographer Hervé Koubi, a graduate of Rosella Hightower’s dance center in Cannes with a background in pharmaceutical biology, this all-males company of 12 Algerian and African dancers has been touring extensively all over France, Europe and Russia. Drawing his creative strength from his Algerian roots, Koubi’s latest full-length work, What the day owes to the night, combines copeira, martial arts, urban and contemporary dance with powerful imagery and is making its way to the United States for the first time during the 2015-2016 season.
Founded in 2001 by French choreographer Hervé Koubi, a graduate of Rosella Hightower’s dance center in Cannes with a background in pharmaceutical biology, this all-males company of 12 Algerian and African dancers has been touring extensively all over France, Europe and Russia. Drawing his creative strength from his Algerian roots, Koubi’s latest full-length work, What the day owes to the night, combines copeira, martial arts, urban and contemporary dance with powerful imagery and is making its way to the United States for the first time during the 2015-2016 season.
Founded in 2001 by French choreographer Hervé Koubi, a graduate of Rosella Hightower’s dance center in Cannes with a background in pharmaceutical biology, this all-males company of 12 Algerian and African dancers has been touring extensively all over France, Europe and Russia. Drawing his creative strength from his Algerian roots, Koubi’s latest full-length work, What the day owes to the night, combines copeira, martial arts, urban and contemporary dance with powerful imagery and is making its way to the United States for the first time during the 2015-2016 season.