Slide Jam - A Curatorial Perspective: Sally Frater and Kimberli Gant

Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau

This Slide Jam presents another side of Houston's diverse and talented arts community: The curator. Along with a rapidly expanding art world, the role of the curator has grown in prominence, so much so that the term curating has become a part of everyday life. Surely "curating" your closet is not the same as curating an exhibition of contemporary art. So what does "curating" mean beyond "to select," and how does the curatorial process work? Does the strength of an exhibition rest solely on the selection of provocative works of art, or are other methods of meaning making, storytelling, and communication in play?

Burgeoning curators Sally Frater and Kim Gant will share their ideas about curating and their experiences on creating exhibitions, working with art institutions and turning abstract concepts into visual form.



Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
5216 Montrose Blvd.
Houston, TX 77006


Admission is free.
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