Shoso Duo, featuring master shakuhachi (Japanese flute) virtuoso Shawn Renzoh Head and harpist Susanna Campbell, will present a collection of works in the expressive bel canto style. It will be a journey around the world starting in London with a haunting carol by Benjamin Britten, moving to Los Angeles with three mesmerizing selections from Justin Hurwitz’ La La Land, and ending in Japan with energetic, soulful pieces by Nagasawa and Tadao.
Shoso Duo, featuring master shakuhachi (Japanese flute) virtuoso Shawn Renzoh Head and harpist Susanna Campbell, will present a collection of works in the expressive bel canto style. It will be a journey around the world starting in London with a haunting carol by Benjamin Britten, moving to Los Angeles with three mesmerizing selections from Justin Hurwitz’ La La Land, and ending in Japan with energetic, soulful pieces by Nagasawa and Tadao.
Shoso Duo, featuring master shakuhachi (Japanese flute) virtuoso Shawn Renzoh Head and harpist Susanna Campbell, will present a collection of works in the expressive bel canto style. It will be a journey around the world starting in London with a haunting carol by Benjamin Britten, moving to Los Angeles with three mesmerizing selections from Justin Hurwitz’ La La Land, and ending in Japan with energetic, soulful pieces by Nagasawa and Tadao.