Russian Cultural Center art opening: Allies. 70th Anniversary

Courtesy photo

The year 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of Elbe Day (April 25), Victory Europe Day (May 7) and Victory Day (May 9), as they are known in the former Soviet Union. The dates mark the official end of World War II in Europe and the Allied Nations' victory. To commemorate these historic events, Russian Cultural Center presents the photo exhibition Allies. 70th Anniversary.

This exhibition consists of photographs taken during World War II by various Soviet photojournalists. One part will feature photos from the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. These photographs depict political figures of the highest rank, such as President Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. These photos emphasize diplomatic efforts of Russia, United States, Great Britain and France during the war. They will be presented at the gallery of the Houston Public Library – Downtown.

The other part of the exhibit is a collection of photos by a famous Soviet photographer, Samariy Gurariy. Gurariy documented major events and figures of the Soviet Era and is noted as being Stalin's favorite photographer at the time of the Yalta Conference. He is also known for his work as a prominent front line military photographer. His images will be shown at RCC's CaviArt Gallery.

On view through May 30.



Houston Public Library
550 McKinney St.
Houston, TX 77002


Admission is free.
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