Rogue Productions presents their first play, the comedy Matt & Ben by Mindy Kaling and Brenda Withers. The show investigates a theory behind the writing of the award-winning screenplay for Good Will Hunting. The fast-paced, entertaining one act depicts Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, played by two women, as they manage fate and friendship in light of unexpected circumstances.
Rogue Productions presents their first play, the comedy Matt & Ben by Mindy Kaling and Brenda Withers. The show investigates a theory behind the writing of the award-winning screenplay for Good Will Hunting. The fast-paced, entertaining one act depicts Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, played by two women, as they manage fate and friendship in light of unexpected circumstances.
Rogue Productions presents their first play, the comedy Matt & Ben by Mindy Kaling and Brenda Withers. The show investigates a theory behind the writing of the award-winning screenplay for Good Will Hunting. The fast-paced, entertaining one act depicts Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, played by two women, as they manage fate and friendship in light of unexpected circumstances.