The Unchambered series, which features ROCO soloists or small ensembles, opens with “Mind Games.” Premiering a new commission by composer Richard Lavenda, ROCO trumpeter Joe Foley and percussionist Matt McClung react to each other to create the shape of the piece in the moment, and the audience can also join in by voting on their phones to influence the direction of the piece.
The Unchambered series, which features ROCO soloists or small ensembles, opens with “Mind Games.” Premiering a new commission by composer Richard Lavenda, ROCO trumpeter Joe Foley and percussionist Matt McClung react to each other to create the shape of the piece in the moment, and the audience can also join in by voting on their phones to influence the direction of the piece.
The Unchambered series, which features ROCO soloists or small ensembles, opens with “Mind Games.” Premiering a new commission by composer Richard Lavenda, ROCO trumpeter Joe Foley and percussionist Matt McClung react to each other to create the shape of the piece in the moment, and the audience can also join in by voting on their phones to influence the direction of the piece.