Over the Rainbow, River Oaks Dance's adaptation of The Wizard Oz, follows Dorothy on her journey over the rainbow and through the land of Oz where she encounters Munchkins, Scarecrows, Tin Men, and Lions before making her way to the Emerald City. Dorothy is surrounded by Magic along her journey and she eventually realizes that everything her heart desires is already within her reach.
Over the Rainbow, River Oaks Dance's adaptation of The Wizard Oz, follows Dorothy on her journey over the rainbow and through the land of Oz where she encounters Munchkins, Scarecrows, Tin Men, and Lions before making her way to the Emerald City. Dorothy is surrounded by Magic along her journey and she eventually realizes that everything her heart desires is already within her reach.
Over the Rainbow, River Oaks Dance's adaptation of The Wizard Oz, follows Dorothy on her journey over the rainbow and through the land of Oz where she encounters Munchkins, Scarecrows, Tin Men, and Lions before making her way to the Emerald City. Dorothy is surrounded by Magic along her journey and she eventually realizes that everything her heart desires is already within her reach.