The Riot Comedy Show will present a unique comedy experience, Off Script, where the audience is encouraged to speak to the comics during their sets, talk to the host, Arielle Isaac Norman, along with a featured lineup including Mikey Swenson, Heather Keith, Radu Bondar and Tre Tutson. Guests get to be the best friend or worst enemy of a comedian in this interactive comedy show.
The Riot is hosted by Houston comedians Brian Gendron and Drew Jordan.
The Riot Comedy Show will present a unique comedy experience, Off Script, where the audience is encouraged to speak to the comics during their sets, talk to the host, Arielle Isaac Norman, along with a featured lineup including Mikey Swenson, Heather Keith, Radu Bondar and Tre Tutson. Guests get to be the best friend or worst enemy of a comedian in this interactive comedy show.
The Riot is hosted by Houston comedians Brian Gendron and Drew Jordan.
The Riot Comedy Show will present a unique comedy experience, Off Script, where the audience is encouraged to speak to the comics during their sets, talk to the host, Arielle Isaac Norman, along with a featured lineup including Mikey Swenson, Heather Keith, Radu Bondar and Tre Tutson. Guests get to be the best friend or worst enemy of a comedian in this interactive comedy show.
The Riot is hosted by Houston comedians Brian Gendron and Drew Jordan.