On The Verge is a magical journey of three Victorian female explorers who venture into Terra Incognita, only to find their excursion taking them to unexpected places. Mary, Alex, and Fanny travel into new lands as well as new times, with their own new terms and new technology. A yeti and a troll are among the characters the intrepid trio meets while encountering mysterious artifacts like egg beaters and dirigibles. The play is a romping meditation on the outer and inner frontiers of the human condition, with lyrical and hilarious dialogue and imagery that’s both beautiful and surreal.
On The Verge is a magical journey of three Victorian female explorers who venture into Terra Incognita, only to find their excursion taking them to unexpected places. Mary, Alex, and Fanny travel into new lands as well as new times, with their own new terms and new technology. A yeti and a troll are among the characters the intrepid trio meets while encountering mysterious artifacts like egg beaters and dirigibles. The play is a romping meditation on the outer and inner frontiers of the human condition, with lyrical and hilarious dialogue and imagery that’s both beautiful and surreal.
On The Verge is a magical journey of three Victorian female explorers who venture into Terra Incognita, only to find their excursion taking them to unexpected places. Mary, Alex, and Fanny travel into new lands as well as new times, with their own new terms and new technology. A yeti and a troll are among the characters the intrepid trio meets while encountering mysterious artifacts like egg beaters and dirigibles. The play is a romping meditation on the outer and inner frontiers of the human condition, with lyrical and hilarious dialogue and imagery that’s both beautiful and surreal.