Rhett & Link, best friends since the first grade, are a comedic duo known for hosting the most-watched daily show on the Internet, Good Mythical Morning, their narrative series Rhett & Link's Buddy System, the award-winning weekly podcast Ear Biscuits, as well as their wildly popular comedic songs, sketches, and viral low-budget local commercials.
Rhett & Link, best friends since the first grade, are a comedic duo known for hosting the most-watched daily show on the Internet, Good Mythical Morning, their narrative series Rhett & Link's Buddy System, the award-winning weekly podcast Ear Biscuits, as well as their wildly popular comedic songs, sketches, and viral low-budget local commercials.
Rhett & Link, best friends since the first grade, are a comedic duo known for hosting the most-watched daily show on the Internet, Good Mythical Morning, their narrative series Rhett & Link's Buddy System, the award-winning weekly podcast Ear Biscuits, as well as their wildly popular comedic songs, sketches, and viral low-budget local commercials.