Join Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition and Young Americans for Liberty to hear from Dr. David J. Yang and Dr. Elias Jackson. They and others have launched Vyripharm Biopharmaceuticals, a biotech company that seeks to understand and dial in on the specific strains and dosages of medical cannabis that can help patients.
The doctors will present about their company and then open it up to questions from the audience. Guests are asked to RSVP online.
Dr. David Yang is currently a tenured professor and chemist in the Department of Cancer Systems Imaging at University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Previously, Dr. Yang was chief of radiotheranositc at the Department of Cancer Systems Imaging at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Yang's research is involved in image-guided personalized treatment and prevention in cancers. He has authored 114 peer-reviewed publications, 52 patents, 14 invited reviews, one book, 24 book chapters and 306 abstracts.
Dr. Elias Jackson is the co-founder and president of Vyripharm Biopharmaceuticals, a biotechnology firm that develops drugs to target cancer, PTSD, drug addiction and other metabolic diseases. He was previously a professor and research faculty member at the Cardiovascular Research Center at the Yale University School of Medicine, and is a graduate of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.