Through an audio adventure, artwork, and sculpture, Mr. Tomonoshi tells the story of Kokoro, a young girl born with flowers in her hair as she explores the crisis and rebirth of her home, Brookokyo. Passionate about sustainability, Mr. Tomonoshi incorporates reclaimed wood into the majority of his work that he transforms through a Japanese process called “Shou Sugi Ban,” also known as “Yakisugi.” Literally translated as “burned cedar,” this method is traditionally used to preserve wood through charring with fire, reminiscent of the fire that the city of Brookokyo goes through.
Through an audio adventure, artwork, and sculpture, Mr. Tomonoshi tells the story of Kokoro, a young girl born with flowers in her hair as she explores the crisis and rebirth of her home, Brookokyo. Passionate about sustainability, Mr. Tomonoshi incorporates reclaimed wood into the majority of his work that he transforms through a Japanese process called “Shou Sugi Ban,” also known as “Yakisugi.” Literally translated as “burned cedar,” this method is traditionally used to preserve wood through charring with fire, reminiscent of the fire that the city of Brookokyo goes through.
Admission is free.