"Blue Norther" is an invitational multimedia show, consisting of living artists from Texas and Louisiana. The jurors are Texas-born, New York painter John Alexander and Mississippi-born Bradley Sumrall, longtime Collection Curator of the Ogden Museum of Art in New Orleans. The jurors have chosen the artists based on reputation and known talent in lieu of the actual work.
The participating artists have had little lead time to prepare. This may be the coldest show on record due to the complete lack of heating systems.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until March 26.
"Blue Norther" is an invitational multimedia show, consisting of living artists from Texas and Louisiana. The jurors are Texas-born, New York painter John Alexander and Mississippi-born Bradley Sumrall, longtime Collection Curator of the Ogden Museum of Art in New Orleans. The jurors have chosen the artists based on reputation and known talent in lieu of the actual work.
The participating artists have had little lead time to prepare. This may be the coldest show on record due to the complete lack of heating systems.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until March 26.
"Blue Norther" is an invitational multimedia show, consisting of living artists from Texas and Louisiana. The jurors are Texas-born, New York painter John Alexander and Mississippi-born Bradley Sumrall, longtime Collection Curator of the Ogden Museum of Art in New Orleans. The jurors have chosen the artists based on reputation and known talent in lieu of the actual work.
The participating artists have had little lead time to prepare. This may be the coldest show on record due to the complete lack of heating systems.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until March 26.