Artists Brenda Cruz-Wolf and Daniela Antelo have collaborated together for the last few years on various site-specific performances, creating experimental dance films and installations throughout Houston.
Audiences will experience an emergence of video and live performance installation in the main Rec Room space. This installation will allow viewers to fully immerse themselves within a controlled-manufactured environment using bodies, textures and raw elements produced by urban landscapes in Houston.
Artists Brenda Cruz-Wolf and Daniela Antelo have collaborated together for the last few years on various site-specific performances, creating experimental dance films and installations throughout Houston.
Audiences will experience an emergence of video and live performance installation in the main Rec Room space. This installation will allow viewers to fully immerse themselves within a controlled-manufactured environment using bodies, textures and raw elements produced by urban landscapes in Houston.
Artists Brenda Cruz-Wolf and Daniela Antelo have collaborated together for the last few years on various site-specific performances, creating experimental dance films and installations throughout Houston.
Audiences will experience an emergence of video and live performance installation in the main Rec Room space. This installation will allow viewers to fully immerse themselves within a controlled-manufactured environment using bodies, textures and raw elements produced by urban landscapes in Houston.