Rebuilding Together presents a Show of Thanks, an evening of family entertainment featuring a screening of Guardians of the Galaxy. The event is a show of gratitude to the volunteers, partners and community that make a difference with Rebuilding Together.
Each attendee will receive a Chick-fil-A boxed meal that includes a Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, Waffle Potato Chips, and a Chocolate Chunk Cookie. Each vehicle will also be given a Show of Thanks bag containing four bottled waters, popcorn, and candy for four.
Rebuilding Together presents a Show of Thanks, an evening of family entertainment featuring a screening of Guardians of the Galaxy. The event is a show of gratitude to the volunteers, partners and community that make a difference with Rebuilding Together.
Each attendee will receive a Chick-fil-A boxed meal that includes a Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, Waffle Potato Chips, and a Chocolate Chunk Cookie. Each vehicle will also be given a Show of Thanks bag containing four bottled waters, popcorn, and candy for four.
Rebuilding Together presents a Show of Thanks, an evening of family entertainment featuring a screening of Guardians of the Galaxy. The event is a show of gratitude to the volunteers, partners and community that make a difference with Rebuilding Together.
Each attendee will receive a Chick-fil-A boxed meal that includes a Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, Waffle Potato Chips, and a Chocolate Chunk Cookie. Each vehicle will also be given a Show of Thanks bag containing four bottled waters, popcorn, and candy for four.