The show will offer a diverse range of emerging choreographic voices featuring works by Karin Celeste, Timothy Johnson, Kendall Kramer, Tory Pierce, Kristina Prats, Arielle Tesia Rojas, Haylee Voogt and Danielle Koblinski.
Healing and recovery are the common threads that run through the dances created by Celeste, Johnson and Pierce. Karin Celeste's work Remembrance stirs up the dreamlike second or two it takes to flood a soul with emotions and images long tucked away. As those thoughts surface, the work begins on how to deal with those memories.
Turning tragedy into triumph, Timothy Johnson's newest work, Shhh!, reflects on his months spent in the hospital recovering from an automobile accident. In Cicatrix, Tory Pierce explores the scars left behind from the healing process.
Haylee Voogt, Kristina Prats and Danielle Koblinski each tackle the subject of internal turmoil from different angles. Voogt's pensive approach delves into the struggle to find hope during the darkest moments. Set to music by The Piano Guys, the piece moves from dark to light in the realization that all is not lost. Prat's work takes a more playful slant asserting that laughter is the best medicine even when difficult times hold you down. Koblinski draws inspiration from personal perspective in her solo/duet work about resolving feelings of being alone or abandoned. 
Rojas and Kramer investigate femininity and divination. Arielle Tesia Rojas interest lies in deciphering the mixed signals regarding women's femininity and sexuality. Why is female sexuality overly expressed in some cases yet viewed as non-existent or repulsive in other cases? In 62: The small exceeding, Kendall Kramer consulted the I Ching Hexagram 62.