Pitch Me This Productions will stage the fifth-annual production of its signature performance event, Midtown Live 5. Showcasing Houston-based artists' real stories through live musical theater and commercial music performances, and accompanied live by The PMT Band, Midtown Live 5 is a multimedia concert that utilizes a mixture of reimagined pop music and contemporary musical theater. From the uninitiated to the theater-regular, ML5 provides an accessible theater environment for audience members to experience a unique brand of storytelling. Midtown Live 5 cast members share their real-life stories via dynamic prerecorded videos and through live performances. Through these stories, audiences find connection not only with the performers but with the Houston community at large.
Pitch Me This Productions will stage the fifth-annual production of its signature performance event, Midtown Live 5. Showcasing Houston-based artists' real stories through live musical theater and commercial music performances, and accompanied live by The PMT Band, Midtown Live 5 is a multimedia concert that utilizes a mixture of reimagined pop music and contemporary musical theater. From the uninitiated to the theater-regular, ML5 provides an accessible theater environment for audience members to experience a unique brand of storytelling. Midtown Live 5 cast members share their real-life stories via dynamic prerecorded videos and through live performances. Through these stories, audiences find connection not only with the performers but with the Houston community at large.
Pitch Me This Productions will stage the fifth-annual production of its signature performance event, Midtown Live 5. Showcasing Houston-based artists' real stories through live musical theater and commercial music performances, and accompanied live by The PMT Band, Midtown Live 5 is a multimedia concert that utilizes a mixture of reimagined pop music and contemporary musical theater. From the uninitiated to the theater-regular, ML5 provides an accessible theater environment for audience members to experience a unique brand of storytelling. Midtown Live 5 cast members share their real-life stories via dynamic prerecorded videos and through live performances. Through these stories, audiences find connection not only with the performers but with the Houston community at large.