Pitch Me This Productions will present its third annual production of Midtown: Live! After two successful productions of this concert, including a tour across the Greater Houston Area, this year, PMT is inviting back former ML casts and is putting its signature musical theater concert on the record with a live recording concert, which will be held at the close of its two-weekend run.
Pitch Me This Productions will present its third annual production of Midtown: Live! After two successful productions of this concert, including a tour across the Greater Houston Area, this year, PMT is inviting back former ML casts and is putting its signature musical theater concert on the record with a live recording concert, which will be held at the close of its two-weekend run.
Pitch Me This Productions will present its third annual production of Midtown: Live! After two successful productions of this concert, including a tour across the Greater Houston Area, this year, PMT is inviting back former ML casts and is putting its signature musical theater concert on the record with a live recording concert, which will be held at the close of its two-weekend run.