Led by the inventive genius of Artistic Director Jacques Heim and his fearless, athletic daredevils, the Los Angeles-based company Diavolo continues to push a new edge of performance. With a unique style that encompasses dance, acrobatics, and gymnastics, Diavolo explores the relationship between the human body and its surrounding architectural environment.
Led by the inventive genius of Artistic Director Jacques Heim and his fearless, athletic daredevils, the Los Angeles-based company Diavolo continues to push a new edge of performance. With a unique style that encompasses dance, acrobatics, and gymnastics, Diavolo explores the relationship between the human body and its surrounding architectural environment.
Led by the inventive genius of Artistic Director Jacques Heim and his fearless, athletic daredevils, the Los Angeles-based company Diavolo continues to push a new edge of performance. With a unique style that encompasses dance, acrobatics, and gymnastics, Diavolo explores the relationship between the human body and its surrounding architectural environment.