From his earliest works, Brooklyn-based artist Marc Swanson has made his topic the construction of self as an incomplete and always fragmentary project. The Contemporary Arts Museum Houston exhibition, Perspectives 175: Marc Swanson: The Second Story, features new sculptures by the artist that consider the worldview of the generations that have grown up since AIDS placed a final marker on the early years of gay liberation, severing the ties to the culture's rich history. The show's title derives from the Second Story, a now-closed gay bar in San Francisco, which also suggests the layers of narrative that overlap in each patron's life — the true, the false and the mythic.
In a first-ever collaboration with DiverseWorks ArtSpace, the CAMH will present the premiere of Two Alike by choreographer and performer Jack Ferver. Ferver will pair up with Swanson to create a meditative and visceral performance tracking the journey from rural upbringings to a furious adulthood in an urban landscape. Existing in an alter-space, housing childhood fantasies and turbid adult obsession, Ferver acts as the emotive flesh and voice inside of Swanson's eerie and raw set/sculpture.