Loosely based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, All Shook Up tells the story of a small town girl (with big dreams), from somewhere in the middle of a square state...in the middle of a square decade...and the motorcycle-riding stud she falls for. It's 1955 and the guitar-playing roustabout changes everything and everyone he meets in this hip-swiveling, lip-curling musical fantasy that'll feature classics as "Heartbreak Hotel," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Don't Be Cruel."
Loosely based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, All Shook Up tells the story of a small town girl (with big dreams), from somewhere in the middle of a square state...in the middle of a square decade...and the motorcycle-riding stud she falls for. It's 1955 and the guitar-playing roustabout changes everything and everyone he meets in this hip-swiveling, lip-curling musical fantasy that'll feature classics as "Heartbreak Hotel," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Don't Be Cruel."
Loosely based on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, All Shook Up tells the story of a small town girl (with big dreams), from somewhere in the middle of a square state...in the middle of a square decade...and the motorcycle-riding stud she falls for. It's 1955 and the guitar-playing roustabout changes everything and everyone he meets in this hip-swiveling, lip-curling musical fantasy that'll feature classics as "Heartbreak Hotel," "Jailhouse Rock," and "Don't Be Cruel."