The Little Mermaid is brought to the stage in a brand-new production by the Panto Company. The show follows the dreams of a young girl who believes there is a better life for her out of the water. Of course there’s a handsome prince, an evil witch, and boatloads of adventures and laughs along the way. With stunning scenery, eye catching costumes, original songs, and loads of audience participation, this show provides families and educators alike with the perfect theatre experience.
The Little Mermaid is brought to the stage in a brand-new production by the Panto Company. The show follows the dreams of a young girl who believes there is a better life for her out of the water. Of course there’s a handsome prince, an evil witch, and boatloads of adventures and laughs along the way. With stunning scenery, eye catching costumes, original songs, and loads of audience participation, this show provides families and educators alike with the perfect theatre experience.
The Little Mermaid is brought to the stage in a brand-new production by the Panto Company. The show follows the dreams of a young girl who believes there is a better life for her out of the water. Of course there’s a handsome prince, an evil witch, and boatloads of adventures and laughs along the way. With stunning scenery, eye catching costumes, original songs, and loads of audience participation, this show provides families and educators alike with the perfect theatre experience.