Opening reception: Antena @ Blaffer

Courtesy photo

Antena is a language justice and language experimentation collaborative founded in 2010 by Jen Hofer and John Pluecker, both of whom are writers, artists, literary translators, bookmakers and activist interpreters. From Jan. 18 through May 10, Antena will be in residence at Blaffer, where they will inhabit various spaces of the museum to explore how critical views on language can help to reimagine and rearticulate worlds.

Antena will facilitate a number of initiatives: Books for sale from small independent presses and DIY endeavors throughout the U.S. and Latin America showcasing innovative writing by women, people of color, queer communities and others outside the normative canon; an exhibition of work combining literary and visual arts, with artists from Houston and the wider U.S. as well as Chile, Guatemala and Mexico; a weekly class titled "In The Between: At the Intersections of Writing, Art, Politics," open to the public and UH students enrolled for credit in the interdisciplinary art minor (Tuesdays from 5:30-8:30 p.m.); public workshops in writing, bookmaking, translation and language justice; and, from Feb. 13-6, an encuentro (gathering) of Antena's participating artists, who will give public readings and performances, participate in panel discussions and open conversations, and lead workshops and community interventions outside the museum.



Blaffer Art Museum
4188 Elgin St.
Houston, TX 77004


Admission is free.
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