Panopticon is an hour long immersive production choreographed by Annie Arnoult in collaboration with the performers and inspired by Open Dance Project’s ongoing research into the sci-fi world of retro-futuristic dystopias. Set in a world where “citizens” are constantly being watched, a la George Orwell’s 1984, Panopticon follows two would-be lovers struggling with their desire for physical and emotional intimacy in a world where deep, human connection is forbidden.
Panopticon is an hour long immersive production choreographed by Annie Arnoult in collaboration with the performers and inspired by Open Dance Project’s ongoing research into the sci-fi world of retro-futuristic dystopias. Set in a world where “citizens” are constantly being watched, a la George Orwell’s 1984, Panopticon follows two would-be lovers struggling with their desire for physical and emotional intimacy in a world where deep, human connection is forbidden.
Panopticon is an hour long immersive production choreographed by Annie Arnoult in collaboration with the performers and inspired by Open Dance Project’s ongoing research into the sci-fi world of retro-futuristic dystopias. Set in a world where “citizens” are constantly being watched, a la George Orwell’s 1984, Panopticon follows two would-be lovers struggling with their desire for physical and emotional intimacy in a world where deep, human connection is forbidden.