Open Dance Project presents the beloved children's fantasy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Journey with the cast through the wardrobe to the magical land of Narnia, where Lucy and her brothers and sister work together to bring an end to the eternal winter of the White Witch and help fulfill the prophecy of the great lion king Aslan's return. This production will feature daring athleticism, aerial performance, and poetic narration.
Open Dance Project presents the beloved children's fantasy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Journey with the cast through the wardrobe to the magical land of Narnia, where Lucy and her brothers and sister work together to bring an end to the eternal winter of the White Witch and help fulfill the prophecy of the great lion king Aslan's return. This production will feature daring athleticism, aerial performance, and poetic narration.
Open Dance Project presents the beloved children's fantasy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Journey with the cast through the wardrobe to the magical land of Narnia, where Lucy and her brothers and sister work together to bring an end to the eternal winter of the White Witch and help fulfill the prophecy of the great lion king Aslan's return. This production will feature daring athleticism, aerial performance, and poetic narration.