"Creating Change" is an annual organizing and skills-building event for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and their allies. The conference is run by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and attracts more than 3,500 people from all over the country every year.
Presenters and participants come from all walks of life and include members of the business community, elected officials, students, faith leaders and staff and volunteers of nonprofit organizations. The five-day program features more than 350 workshops and training sessions, four plenary sessions, and tons of networking opportunities alongside fun events.
Among the presenters are Phill Wilson, president and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute; Charles Stephens, an Atlanta-based African-American writer and activist who has served as a fellow at the CDC Institute for HIV Prevention Leadership; and Elicia Gonzalez, executive director for GALAEI : A Queer Latin Social Justice Organization in Philadelphia since 2009, who has served on Leadership Council for the National Latino AIDS Action Network.