Inspired by a true story, the new chamber musical North Pond follows Joshua Knight, a hermit and thief who survived alone in the woods of Maine for 27 years, and Chelsea Marlowe, a budding reporter who tries to use his story as her big break. The story is told through an interview at a jail visiting room interjected with memories and flashbacks from Joshua's time in his forest camp, in the jail, and in court, both alone and pitted against members of society. Digging deeper into her article, Chelsea struggles to understand Joshua, eventually realizing that the story is not what she expected.
The musical explores themes of privacy, connectivity, journalistic integrity, and nature, raising important questions about human communication and identity in an age of media saturation.
Inspired by a true story, the new chamber musical North Pond follows Joshua Knight, a hermit and thief who survived alone in the woods of Maine for 27 years, and Chelsea Marlowe, a budding reporter who tries to use his story as her big break. The story is told through an interview at a jail visiting room interjected with memories and flashbacks from Joshua's time in his forest camp, in the jail, and in court, both alone and pitted against members of society. Digging deeper into her article, Chelsea struggles to understand Joshua, eventually realizing that the story is not what she expected.
The musical explores themes of privacy, connectivity, journalistic integrity, and nature, raising important questions about human communication and identity in an age of media saturation.
Inspired by a true story, the new chamber musical North Pond follows Joshua Knight, a hermit and thief who survived alone in the woods of Maine for 27 years, and Chelsea Marlowe, a budding reporter who tries to use his story as her big break. The story is told through an interview at a jail visiting room interjected with memories and flashbacks from Joshua's time in his forest camp, in the jail, and in court, both alone and pitted against members of society. Digging deeper into her article, Chelsea struggles to understand Joshua, eventually realizing that the story is not what she expected.
The musical explores themes of privacy, connectivity, journalistic integrity, and nature, raising important questions about human communication and identity in an age of media saturation.