The program begins with Karim Al-Zand's "Studies in Nature," inspired by the captivating illustrations of biologist and naturalist Ernst Haeckel. Kaija Saariaho's "Fall" originated in a ballet, but stands on its own as a vivid exploration of harp and electronic sounds. Frank Lloyd Wright's glass windows get a musical interpretation in Andrew Norman's "Light Screens," and the concert will feature a world premiere by Musiqa's Composer+Intern.
The program begins with Karim Al-Zand's "Studies in Nature," inspired by the captivating illustrations of biologist and naturalist Ernst Haeckel. Kaija Saariaho's "Fall" originated in a ballet, but stands on its own as a vivid exploration of harp and electronic sounds. Frank Lloyd Wright's glass windows get a musical interpretation in Andrew Norman's "Light Screens," and the concert will feature a world premiere by Musiqa's Composer+Intern.
The program begins with Karim Al-Zand's "Studies in Nature," inspired by the captivating illustrations of biologist and naturalist Ernst Haeckel. Kaija Saariaho's "Fall" originated in a ballet, but stands on its own as a vivid exploration of harp and electronic sounds. Frank Lloyd Wright's glass windows get a musical interpretation in Andrew Norman's "Light Screens," and the concert will feature a world premiere by Musiqa's Composer+Intern.