Runaway Blues is a riveting tale that revolves around three young men who are seeking refuge from the torments of bullying, the pressure to be successful and the marginalization of being labeled autistic. On a whim, they meet at a secluded train station and purchase tickets to an unknown destination. While aboard, they meet a kindhearted train worker, Miss Judy Lu Robert, who dispenses her own brand of wisdom gained from years of working on the railroad and having an autistic grandchild. Through her loving guidance, the boys eventually return safely to their families, eternally bonded by the knowledge that supportive individuals are available. Most importantly, they are empowered by positive thinking.
Runaway Blues is a riveting tale that revolves around three young men who are seeking refuge from the torments of bullying, the pressure to be successful and the marginalization of being labeled autistic. On a whim, they meet at a secluded train station and purchase tickets to an unknown destination. While aboard, they meet a kindhearted train worker, Miss Judy Lu Robert, who dispenses her own brand of wisdom gained from years of working on the railroad and having an autistic grandchild. Through her loving guidance, the boys eventually return safely to their families, eternally bonded by the knowledge that supportive individuals are available. Most importantly, they are empowered by positive thinking.
Runaway Blues is a riveting tale that revolves around three young men who are seeking refuge from the torments of bullying, the pressure to be successful and the marginalization of being labeled autistic. On a whim, they meet at a secluded train station and purchase tickets to an unknown destination. While aboard, they meet a kindhearted train worker, Miss Judy Lu Robert, who dispenses her own brand of wisdom gained from years of working on the railroad and having an autistic grandchild. Through her loving guidance, the boys eventually return safely to their families, eternally bonded by the knowledge that supportive individuals are available. Most importantly, they are empowered by positive thinking.