Set in World War II and based on the novel by Joseph Kessel, Army of Shadows centers on Philippe (Lino Ventura), who is aided by Resistance compatriots including mistress of disguise Mathilde (Simone Signoret). Phillippe goes underground in the face of the German Occupation – but the price of heroism can be truly horrific.
The film will be introduced by Sarah Rothenberg, artistic and general director of Da Camera.
Set in World War II and based on the novel by Joseph Kessel, Army of Shadows centers on Philippe (Lino Ventura), who is aided by Resistance compatriots including mistress of disguise Mathilde (Simone Signoret). Phillippe goes underground in the face of the German Occupation – but the price of heroism can be truly horrific.
The film will be introduced by Sarah Rothenberg, artistic and general director of Da Camera.
Set in World War II and based on the novel by Joseph Kessel, Army of Shadows centers on Philippe (Lino Ventura), who is aided by Resistance compatriots including mistress of disguise Mathilde (Simone Signoret). Phillippe goes underground in the face of the German Occupation – but the price of heroism can be truly horrific.
The film will be introduced by Sarah Rothenberg, artistic and general director of Da Camera.